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by Erin Brown and Erica Smith. A comprehensive, sex positive, inclusive, and honest guide based on real questions and conversations with kids. This guide provides the guidance for how to think and talk about sex, dating, gender, sexuality and more in a positive, medically accurate, consent-conscious, and inclusive way.


Most menstruation products are marketed as feminine hygiene products and speak to cis-women only. But the reality is, it is not only cis-women who menstruate, many trans men, agender, and gender non-binary individuals do as well. This Bustle article shares products, companies, and craftspersons that are creating more gender-neutral options than your average box of […]


by Cory Silverberg. A comic book for kids that includes children and families of all makeups, orientations, and gender identities. This book is an essential resource about bodies, gender, and sexuality for children ages 8 to 10 as well as their parents and caregivers.


by Saskia Boujo. It’s a guide book and journal that has been designed to inform and prepare young people for their menstrual cycle. Using ungendered language, This Period in My Life encourages young people to value and understand their periods, as well as connect with their menstrual bleed.


by Rachel E. Simon. This vibrant and beautifully illustrated book teaches children sex, gender and relationships education in a way that is inclusive of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Covering puberty, hormones, pregnancy, consent, sex, babies, relationships and families, it uses gender-neutral language throughout and celebrates diversity in all its forms, including race, ethnicity, […]


Take the stress out of a first period with a really cool, has-everything First Period Kit by Ruby Love.


Menstrual health education and interactive tools to help in finding a menstrual health product that is right for you


Free downloadable curriculum and activity guides for educators to lead comprehensive sex education programming for students ages 8 to teen. Lesson plans include the following topics: anatomy, puberty, gender identity, sexual orientation, consent, sexual health, porn literacy, interpersonal violence, and more.


by Sara Perry. A book for children to get conversations about positive sexuality started, with accurate information about gender identity, gender expression, consent and self-trust. Framed in the context of empowerment and based on research findings that prove teaching that pleasure and confidence are integral part of a consensual society.


by Sonya Renee Taylor. Puberty comes with a lot of changes. Celebrate Your Body (And Its Changes, Too!) will help girls understand (and love) their bodies now and as they continue to grow.

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