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by Kimberly King. Written for educators and parents, this book is the comprehensive guide you need to navigate sexual abuse prevention and body safety education. Packed with extraordinary stories, prevention skills, talking points, and what-if scenarios, this compassionate resource is the ultimate toolkit for preventing child sexual abuse.


by Ashley Graber, LMFT and Maria Evans, LMFT. This book introduces SAFER Parenting—a simple yet powerful five-step approach designed to help children ages 6-12 regulate emotions and build lasting self-esteem. Offering real-life examples and drawing on their experience working with thousands of families struggling with anxiety, they outline key practices to reduce worry both in […]


by the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities. This video series highlights the importance of providing information to people with developmental disabilities and supporting them in their sexual self-advocacy.


by Trey Halliday Fenton. An essential resource for doctors, therapists, educators, and anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of those who may be questioning their gender, exploring transitioning genders, and many other gender-related questions. This guide provides both professional insights and personal narratives, offering a unique blend of medical, psychological, and social perspectives to support […]


by Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons. This book combines theory, science, and real-talk storytelling to offer the ingredients for a healthy, satisfying, liberated sex life. It outlines action steps to understand, define, and practice sexual liberation in your personalized way, replacing the unseasoned sexual menu most of us were socialized into.


by Sherronda J. Brown. This book takes an incisive look at how anti-Blackness, white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity, and capitalism enact harm against asexual people, contextualizing acephobia within a racial framework.


A period tracker, and sexual health education app, that doesn’t track you. In other words- they’re serious about data privacy, period. Designed with inclusive language and shame-free info to support menstruating teens and adults. The app includes a customizable library on topics such as menstruation, sexual health, contraception, STIs, abortion, and more to foster empowering […]


by Justine Ang Fonte. This is a six-episode Audible Original series giving actionable tips, scripts, and healing context to help you become an askable adult to kids ages birth to 18. You’ll learn how to keep talks open and shame-free across topics including consent, boundaries, puberty, sexual identity, relationships, physical attraction, self-care, and sex. Also […]


by Sarah Casper. A thoughtfully-crafted resource for educators and trusted adults to guide 8-13 year olds through playful activities, discussion exercises, and lessons that go beyond just defining consent and into the powerful work of practicing consent. Lessons explore how to notice desires, ask for permission, recognize limits, advocate for boundaries, handle rejection with grace, […]


by Sex in Space. This shame-free book is a digestible resource teaching parents and caring adults what to say, the benefits of having these talks, how to work through your family’s values around porn, strategies to build your confidence on this topic, actionable steps for online safety, and much more!


A comprehensive online course by Dr. Devorah Heitner that will prepare you and your child for their first phone. You’ll learn what to say to your kid (that will keep them engaged); how to mentor them in their relationship with devices (not simply monitor them); how to set a positive example within your own cell […]


by Devorah Heitner, PhD. This book shows parents how to help tweens and teens navigate boundaries, identity, privacy, and reputation in their digital world. Through relatable stories from young people, caring adults, and professionals, Heitner offers research-backed advice that shows us that by focusing on character, not the threat of getting caught or exposed, we […]

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