by the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities. This video series highlights the importance of providing information to people with developmental disabilities and supporting them in their sexual self-advocacy.
A free, inclusive, accessible healthy relationship and safer sexuality curriculum for teens and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Created by SAFE Austin.
An interactive sex education website designed for teens and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
by Rachel E. Simon, LCSW. This book helps 8-12 year olds understand consent in all its many forms including body safety, verbal and nonverbal cues, boundaries, puberty and privacy, identifying trusted adults, and recognizing gut feelings. It also explores consent nuances, like power dynamics, intellectual disabilities, pornography, sexism, and transphobia. A helpful glossary and discussion […]
by Jayneen Sanders. This book aims to teach children with disability about body safety and consent and provide them with essential skills to recognize unsafe situations. Using age-appropriate language and illustrations, this book addresses the needs and challenges often faced by children with disability, helping them to understand their rights in regard to their body […]
by Sonya Renee Taylor. This book gives honest, empowering and age-relevant answers to real questions from young readers about health, sex, gender, race and justice. Steeped in joy and possibility, Taylor’s writing assures kids that, as they mature, life will be fun, complicated, strange and wonderful, and most importantly, that they are amazing and have […]
Anatomically correct, inclusively created social stories that help individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) gain life skills and confidence around topics like washing their genitals, putting on a condom, using a tampon or menstrual pad, and more. Printed on a 10-point polyester paper that is durable enough to withstand moisture and continual usage. Created by Lutheran […]
by Vic Liu with a forward by adrienne maree brown. This joyful book centers people of color, queer people, disabled people, sex workers, and other often underrepresented voices to bring an informative and beautiful perspective to self-love and masturbation. Inside, you’ll find sections on: masturbation myths; techniques for solo pleasure; guide to sex toys; tips […]
An interactive online game by Planet Puberty that helps young people understand the differences between public and private places, which is an essential skill for keeping safe and participating in the community. This game will help you to practice identifying public and private places and where it is OK to do private things.
An interactive online game by Planet Puberty that helps children identify different relationships in a person’s life and the types of touch that are OK in these relationships.
by Cory Silverberg. In a bright graphic format featuring four dynamic middle schoolers, this book grounds sex ed in social justice, covering not only the big three of puberty—hormones, reproduction, and development—but also power, pleasure, and how to be a decent human being. Topics include body autonomy, disclosure, stigma, harassment, pornography, trauma, masturbation, consent, boundaries […]
Five video episodes of IRL friends having those conversations about queer sex, sex in the media, consent, pleasure, and more – while professional sex educators Dr. Lexx and Melina Gaze listen in to educate and bust some myths!