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A free, inclusive, accessible healthy relationship and safer sexuality curriculum for teens and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Created by SAFE Austin.


A period tracker, and sexual health education app, that doesn’t track you. In other words- they’re serious about data privacy, period. Designed with inclusive language and shame-free info to support menstruating teens and adults. The app includes a customizable library on topics such as menstruation, sexual health, contraception, STIs, abortion, and more to foster empowering […]


Created by GLSEN, this curriculum and educator guide is based on the Think Before You Speak campaign, which offers activities and teaching tools that help raise awareness of the common use of derogatory vocabulary among youth towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning people.


by Studio Jayne – a three or more player online game to help teens and adults talk about relationships, consent, sex, and safety. Likely Story can be played in homes or classrooms and uses engaging scenarios to spark critical thinking and important talks. After playing, share your feedback by emailing


An interactive online game by Planet Puberty that helps young people understand the differences between public and private places, which is an essential skill for keeping safe and participating in the community. This game will help you to practice identifying public and private places and where it is OK to do private things.


An interactive online game by Planet Puberty that helps children identify different relationships in a person’s life and the types of touch that are OK in these relationships.


A free tool created by the National PTA and Norton to help families facilitate positive conversations and set practical boundaries that influence habits around device use for young people. The tool guides you through discussion questions, encouraging honest connection across five key digital safety topics. When you finish, it creates a downloadable agreement to support your family’s […]


by EducateUS. A quickstart guide for parents and caregivers on speaking at school board meetings, public hearings, and more.


A film, with discussion guide with conversation prompts and activities, that takes viewers into the lives of three high school athletes — all at different stages of their athletic seasons, personal lives, and unique paths as transgender teens.


Free printable posters by Educate2Empower Publishing to help children learn about body safety, feelings, and consent. Available in multiple languages.


Free downloadable conversation guides to support the talks with children and teens about porn and sexualized media.

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