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SELECTED FILTERS: Topic: Parent Sexual Health  |  Clear All Filters

by Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons. This book combines theory, science, and real-talk storytelling to offer the ingredients for a healthy, satisfying, liberated sex life. It outlines action steps to understand, define, and practice sexual liberation in your personalized way, replacing the unseasoned sexual menu most of us were socialized into.


by Sherronda J. Brown. This book takes an incisive look at how anti-Blackness, white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity, and capitalism enact harm against asexual people, contextualizing acephobia within a racial framework.


A period tracker, and sexual health education app, that doesn’t track you. In other words- they’re serious about data privacy, period. Designed with inclusive language and shame-free info to support menstruating teens and adults. The app includes a customizable library on topics such as menstruation, sexual health, contraception, STIs, abortion, and more to foster empowering […]


by Justine Ang Fonte. This is a six-episode Audible Original series giving actionable tips, scripts, and healing context to help you become an askable adult to kids ages birth to 18. You’ll learn how to keep talks open and shame-free across topics including consent, boundaries, puberty, sexual identity, relationships, physical attraction, self-care, and sex. Also […]


by Lauren Fogel Mersy, PsyD and Jennifer A. Vencill, PhD, ABPP. This book is a radically inclusive, sex-positive guide to managing the inevitable libido differences in relationships. Included are dozens of techniques, exercises, checklists, and journal prompts for readers to use at their own pace to fit their needs, including mindfulness, body mapping, and sensate […]


by Debby Herbenick, PhD, Susan C. Stone, Esq., and Kristina W. Supler, Esq. Supported by research and filled with practical tools, conversation guides, and sex positive advice, this book covers every sexual health topic relevant to raising young people in this highly digital world. It’s inclusively written, with insights from real young people as well as from […]


by Vic Liu with a forward by adrienne maree brown. This joyful book centers people of color, queer people, disabled people, sex workers, and other often underrepresented voices to bring an informative and beautiful perspective to self-love and masturbation. Inside, you’ll find sections on: masturbation myths; techniques for solo pleasure; guide to sex toys; tips […]


by Studio Jayne – a three or more player online game to help teens and adults talk about relationships, consent, sex, and safety. Likely Story can be played in homes or classrooms and uses engaging scenarios to spark critical thinking and important talks. After playing, share your feedback by emailing


by Nyssa Everhart – this card game will help take the awkward out of sexual health talks. It’s designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience that covers everything from anatomy and reproductive health to boundaries and healthy relationships. The cards are inclusive, sex positive, and incorporate activities, quizzes, scenarios, and challenges to stimulate open, honest, […]


by Lindz Amer. An essential guide for parents and caregivers to raising queer-friendly children in a gender-affirming space. Divided by sections that address kids’ individual ages―from infancy to kindergarten―this joyful and approachable book shares a bit of hope and starts with the understanding that anyone can spread queer joy.


by Alisa Zipursky. A guide for survivors, written by a survivor, helping to break through the negative self-talk and debunk the myths that impact victims of childhood sexual abuse. This book shows how trauma survivors can learn to identify these untrue stories that often come up in dating, in friendships, in families, at work, and more.


by Lilly Perry. A hardcover journal containing prompts and practices that will challenge you to approach your sexuality with curiosity and non-judgment.

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