by Melissa Pintor Carnagey. A gender-inclusive guide that helps 10-14 year olds navigate the many changes that happen during puberty. Complete with medically accurate, shame-free facts, and interactive elements such as journal prompts, conversation starters to discuss with trusted adults, and activities to take into their real world. This book, by the founder of Sex […]
An interactive sex education website designed for teens and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
by Justine Ang Fonte. This is a six-episode Audible Original series giving actionable tips, scripts, and healing context to help you become an askable adult to kids ages birth to 18. You’ll learn how to keep talks open and shame-free across topics including consent, boundaries, puberty, sexual identity, relationships, physical attraction, self-care, and sex. Also […]
by Sonya Renee Taylor. This book gives honest, empowering and age-relevant answers to real questions from young readers about health, sex, gender, race and justice. Steeped in joy and possibility, Taylor’s writing assures kids that, as they mature, life will be fun, complicated, strange and wonderful, and most importantly, that they are amazing and have […]
Created by GLSEN, this curriculum and educator guide is based on the Think Before You Speak campaign, which offers activities and teaching tools that help raise awareness of the common use of derogatory vocabulary among youth towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning people.
by Cara Natterson, MD and Vanessa Kroll Bennett. A current, reliable, research-backed handbook to help adults understand the ins and outs of modern puberty for all young people. Alongside facts about physical and emotional changes to expect, this book includes insights on social media, porn literacy, gender identity, and many aspects of today’s tween and […]
Free self-paced online courses, by Planned Parenthood, created for students. Topics include healthy relationships, puberty, gender identity, sexual orientation, consent, sex, STIs, pregnancy prevention, communication skills, media literacy, and more. Also available in Spanish.
A free online course developed by Advocates for Youth and SisterReach, along with other key experts and thought-leaders in the field, to address issues of racial justice in sex education. Modules include the following topics: Race and Racism, White Privilege and Sex Ed, Racism and Youth Sexual Health Outcomes, Racial Justice in Sex Ed, and […]
by Cory Silverberg. In a bright graphic format featuring four dynamic middle schoolers, this book grounds sex ed in social justice, covering not only the big three of puberty—hormones, reproduction, and development—but also power, pleasure, and how to be a decent human being. Topics include body autonomy, disclosure, stigma, harassment, pornography, trauma, masturbation, consent, boundaries […]
by Melissa Pintor Carnagey, LBSW. A comprehensive guide that walks parents and caregivers through over 150 conversation starters, reflection exercises, and activities to begin implementing at every age and stage on topics such as: bodies, feelings, safe and unsafe touch, consent, relationships, menstruation, pleasure, online porn, gender, sex, and more.
Five video episodes of IRL friends having those conversations about queer sex, sex in the media, consent, pleasure, and more – while professional sex educators Dr. Lexx and Melina Gaze listen in to educate and bust some myths!
by Heather Corinna. This book is a graphic novel guide that covers essential topics for preteens and young teens about their changing bodies and feelings. Inclusive of different kinds of genders, sexualities, and other identities, the main characters talk about important topics like: Bodies, including puberty, body parts and body image; Sexual and gender identity; […]