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by Konika Ray Wong. This empowering book helps children discover their very own superpowers—tools that boost self-awareness, self-esteem, and the ability to recognize and handle tricky situations. With catchy rhymes, enchanting illustrations, and fun games and activities, they’ll learn essential lessons about body safety, boundaries, and consent to uncover the power of their personal space bubble […]


by Ashley Graber, LMFT and Maria Evans, LMFT. This book introduces SAFER Parenting—a simple yet powerful five-step approach designed to help children ages 6-12 regulate emotions and build lasting self-esteem. Offering real-life examples and drawing on their experience working with thousands of families struggling with anxiety, they outline key practices to reduce worry both in […]


by Melissa Pintor Carnagey. A gender-inclusive guide that helps 10-14 year olds navigate the many changes that happen during puberty. Complete with medically accurate, shame-free facts, and interactive elements such as journal prompts, conversation starters to discuss with trusted adults, and activities to take into their real world. This book, by the founder of Sex […]


by Rachel Greener. This book offers 7-10 year olds an honest, accessible, inclusive illustrated guide to puberty. From getting taller and discovering hair growing in new places to developing breasts, experiencing periods, or having wet dreams, this book provides the perfect stepping stone for every caregiver to have an open conversation about what it really […]


by Sarah Casper. A thoughtfully-crafted resource for educators and trusted adults to guide 8-13 year olds through playful activities, discussion exercises, and lessons that go beyond just defining consent and into the powerful work of practicing consent. Lessons explore how to notice desires, ask for permission, recognize limits, advocate for boundaries, handle rejection with grace, […]


by Rachel E. Simon, LCSW. This book helps 8-12 year olds understand consent in all its many forms including body safety, verbal and nonverbal cues, boundaries, puberty and privacy, identifying trusted adults, and recognizing gut feelings. It also explores consent nuances, like power dynamics, intellectual disabilities, pornography, sexism, and transphobia. A helpful glossary and discussion […]


by Sonya Renee Taylor. This book gives honest, empowering and age-relevant answers to real questions from young readers about health, sex, gender, race and justice. Steeped in joy and possibility, Taylor’s writing assures kids that, as they mature, life will be fun, complicated, strange and wonderful, and most importantly, that they are amazing and have […]


by Bianca I. Laureano and Cory Silverberg. A guided curriculum resource for parents, educators, and librarians working with young people to support learning about bodies, gender, healthy relationships, consent, and sex. Available in eBook, digital copy only.


by Cara Natterson, MD and Vanessa Kroll Bennett. A current, reliable, research-backed handbook to help adults understand the ins and outs of modern puberty for all young people. Alongside facts about physical and emotional changes to expect, this book includes insights on social media, porn literacy, gender identity, and many aspects of today’s tween and […]


Free self-paced online courses, by Planned Parenthood, created for students. Topics include healthy relationships, puberty, gender identity, sexual orientation, consent, sex, STIs, pregnancy prevention, communication skills, media literacy, and more. Also available in Spanish.


by Vic Liu with a forward by adrienne maree brown. This joyful book centers people of color, queer people, disabled people, sex workers, and other often underrepresented voices to bring an informative and beautiful perspective to self-love and masturbation. Inside, you’ll find sections on: masturbation myths; techniques for solo pleasure; guide to sex toys; tips […]

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