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The Trevor Project is proud to present the first episode from our Learn with Love series. Trevor invited trans young people from all over the country to share their experiences of growing up and how the people in their lives affected them, affirmed them, or changed them.


by Stephanie Brill and Rachel Pepper. Ever since its initial publication in 2008, The Transgender Child has been lauded as the most trusted source of information for families wanting to understand and affirm their transgender, gender-expansive, or nonbinary child.


A free online course developed by Advocates for Youth and SisterReach, along with other key experts and thought-leaders in the field, to address issues of racial justice in sex education. Modules include the following topics: Race and Racism, White Privilege and Sex Ed, Racism and Youth Sexual Health Outcomes, Racial Justice in Sex Ed, and […]


A free tool created by the National PTA and Norton to help families facilitate positive conversations and set practical boundaries that influence habits around device use for young people. The tool guides you through discussion questions, encouraging honest connection across five key digital safety topics. When you finish, it creates a downloadable agreement to support your family’s […]


by EducateUS. A quickstart guide for parents and caregivers on speaking at school board meetings, public hearings, and more.


by Melissa Pintor Carnagey, LBSW. A comprehensive guide that walks parents and caregivers through over 150 conversation starters, reflection exercises, and activities to begin implementing at every age and stage on topics such as: bodies, feelings, safe and unsafe touch, consent, relationships, menstruation, pleasure, online porn, gender, sex, and more.


via Shout Your Abortion. “Maybe a Baby” is a children’s book/zine by Shout Your Abortion’s Artist-in-Residence Shawna Murphy, a childcare worker, activist, supermom, fashionista, and mutual aid all-star. In this video, Shawna reads her book and offers a great resource to support early, ongoing talks about abortion and reproduction.


Five video episodes of IRL friends having those conversations about queer sex, sex in the media, consent, pleasure, and more – while professional sex educators Dr. Lexx and Melina Gaze listen in to educate and bust some myths!


An entertaining and educational YouTube series for youth about sexuality, identity, and healthy relationships. Season 3 features several disabled young people learning from hosts Dr. Nadine Thornhill and Spencer West who provide fun, engaging education on topics like body image, identity, dating, reproduction, and more!


A film, with discussion guide with conversation prompts and activities, that takes viewers into the lives of three high school athletes — all at different stages of their athletic seasons, personal lives, and unique paths as transgender teens.


by Dr. Brené Brown. A practical and hopeful guide for raising children who know that they are worthy of love, belonging, and joy, which are all powerful markers of sexual health and safety.


A 10 episode series of short videos created with and by people with disabilities covering topics like gender, healthy relationships, genitals, puberty, consent, masturbation, sex, and more. Created by the National Council on Independent Living

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