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by Erin Brown and Erica Smith. A comprehensive, sex positive, inclusive, and honest guide based on real questions and conversations with kids. This guide provides the guidance for how to think and talk about sex, dating, gender, sexuality and more in a positive, medically accurate, consent-conscious, and inclusive way.


Short, animated video by AMAZE teaching about puberty experiences for transgender young people.


by Cory Silverberg. A comic book for kids that includes children and families of all makeups, orientations, and gender identities. This book is an essential resource about bodies, gender, and sexuality for children ages 8 to 10 as well as their parents and caregivers.


Fun, animated, inclusive and sex positive short videos to help tweens and teens learn about puberty


by Rachel E. Simon. This vibrant and beautifully illustrated book teaches children sex, gender and relationships education in a way that is inclusive of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Covering puberty, hormones, pregnancy, consent, sex, babies, relationships and families, it uses gender-neutral language throughout and celebrates diversity in all its forms, including race, ethnicity, […]


by Planned Parenthood. Intersex people are born with biological characteristics that don’t fit inside the strict binary of “female” and “male.” Learn what to expect and resources to support further education.


by Lori Reichel. This book provides simple answers to basic questions people of all ages wonder about, as well as recommendations for how to have conversations bout puberty. Also enclosed are the “Puberty Chit Chat Cards” to help adults and children begin conversations in a fun and interactive manner.


Welcome to Roo High School, where no question is off-limits. Watch MyLifeAsEva, La’Shaunae Steward, James Butler, and sex ed chatbot Roo answer questions about masturbation, periods, puberty, penises and vaginas.


by Karen Rayne, PhD and Katherine Gonzales, MBA. This book is an all-inclusive, uncensored guide for teens who are transgender, nonbinary, gender-nonconforming, or gender-fluid. It answers all your questions, easy and hard, about gender and covers: mental health, physical health and reproduction, transitioning, relationships, sex, and life as a trans or nonbinary individual. It’s full […]


Free downloadable curriculum and activity guides for educators to lead comprehensive sex education programming for students ages 8 to teen. Lesson plans include the following topics: anatomy, puberty, gender identity, sexual orientation, consent, sexual health, porn literacy, interpersonal violence, and more.


Hosted by nationally recognized health educator Lori Reichel, this podcast shares information and tools to help families have conversations about puberty and other growing up topics. Perfect for listening as a family, in a car, and anytime you have a few minutes.

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