Si estás entre los 9 y 14 años, puede que estés experimentando algunos cambios que llegan con la pubertad, pero puede que no, así que no te preocupes. La pubertad en las mujeres puede comenzar desde los 8 años o bien hasta los 13 o 14 años, pero ¡todas pasan por ella!
¿Cuándo comienza la pubertad? ¿Qué pasa cuando comienza la pubertad? Si estás entre los 9 y 14 años puedes estar experimentando algunos cambios que llegan con la pubertad, aunque puede que no, así que no te preocupes. La pubertad en mujeres puede comenzar desde los 8 años o bien hasta los 13 o 14 años, […]
¿Cuándo comienza la pubertad? ¿Qué pasa cuando comienza la pubertad? Las señales de pubertad en hombres incluye granos, vello facial y el engrose de la voz. Generalmente, la pubertad comienza entre los 10 y 14 años. La pubertad en los hombres puede comenzar de manera temprana a los 9 años y a más tardar a […]
by Sonya Renee Taylor. Puberty comes with a lot of changes. Celebrate Your Body (And Its Changes, Too!) will help girls understand (and love) their bodies now and as they continue to grow.
by Scott Todnem. Growing Up Great is a body-positive guide to getting through puberty confidently by respecting the body and all of its changes. From how to handle the physical rollercoaster to coping with out-of-whack feelings, this book has your teen’s back – so they can focus on all of the good stuff ahead.
by Susan Meredith. A guide to puberty for girls covering the physical and emotional changes and hygiene routines.
by Robie H. Harris. This book provides answers to questions kids commonly have about bodies, reproduction, relationships, and sex. Shared in fun, accurate, comic-book-style artwork and a clear, lively text that reflects the interests of children age seven and up in how things work, while giving them a healthy understanding of their bodies.
by Melisa Holmes and Trish Hutchinson. A book all about puberty and changing bodies for girls, written by the doctors of Girlology.
by Dr. Cara Natterson. This book covers questions about periods, growing bodies, peer pressure, personal care, emotional changes, and more for girls.
by Karen Gravelle. This guide provides answers to common questions on periods, pimples, mood swings, getting braces, bra sizing, shaving, relatable anecdotes from real girls, changing friendships, romantic feelings, and dealing with sexual harassment both on social media and in real life.
by Robie H. Harris. Young children are curious about almost everything, especially their bodies. And young children are not afraid to ask questions. This classic sexual health book helps answer these endless and perfectly normal questions that preschool, kindergarten, and early elementary school children ask about how they began. Through lively, comfortable language and sensitive, […]
by Lynda Madaras. Everything preteen and teen boys need to know about their changing bodies and feelings. This book gives sensitive straight talk on: the body’s changing size and shape; diet and exercise; the growth spurt; the reproductive organs; body hair; voice changes; romantic and sexual feelings; and puberty in girls. It also includes information on […]