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SELECTED FILTERS: Topic: Bodies  |  Clear All Filters

by Nyssa Everhart – this card game will help take the awkward out of sexual health talks. It’s designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience that covers everything from anatomy and reproductive health to boundaries and healthy relationships. The cards are inclusive, sex positive, and incorporate activities, quizzes, scenarios, and challenges to stimulate open, honest, […]


by Dr. Allison K. Rodgers. The more we know about vaginas and vulvas, the better equipped we will be to deal with our bodies in the future. In this book, Dr. Allison K. Rodgers simply explains everything from why we have periods, to sex and consent in the age of social media. You’ll learn the […]


by Rachel HS Ginocchio. This book goes beyond the basics of sexual reproduction to examine the diversity of medical and societal methods people use, including in-vitro fertilization, surrogacy, adoption, and more. Through scientific research, diagrams, and interviews with families, it provides a thoughtful and thorough examination of the possibilities available.


An interactive online game by Planet Puberty that helps young people understand the differences between public and private places, which is an essential skill for keeping safe and participating in the community. This game will help you to practice identifying public and private places and where it is OK to do private things.


A fun and interactive virtual workshop for families, led by Sex Positive Families, that takes the awkwardness out of puberty, sharing all the need-to-know tidbits about body changes to help kids through the tween years with greater confidence.


by Elizabeth Schroeder, EdD, MSW. This book is your guide to starting those critical conversations with kids as young as 3, using language and examples that they can understand. Learning how to set boundaries for themselves and recognize the boundaries of others will help kids develop their own self-esteem and stay safe.


A free online course developed by Advocates for Youth and SisterReach, along with other key experts and thought-leaders in the field, to address issues of racial justice in sex education. Modules include the following topics: Race and Racism, White Privilege and Sex Ed, Racism and Youth Sexual Health Outcomes, Racial Justice in Sex Ed, and […]


This free online course by Khan Academy includes videos and quizzes covering every body system from the circulatory to muscular to reproductive and more.


by Cory Silverberg. In a bright graphic format featuring four dynamic middle schoolers, this book grounds sex ed in social justice, covering not only the big three of puberty—hormones, reproduction, and development—but also power, pleasure, and how to be a decent human being. Topics include body autonomy, disclosure, stigma, harassment, pornography, trauma, masturbation, consent, boundaries […]


by Melissa Pintor Carnagey, LBSW. A comprehensive guide that walks parents and caregivers through over 150 conversation starters, reflection exercises, and activities to begin implementing at every age and stage on topics such as: bodies, feelings, safe and unsafe touch, consent, relationships, menstruation, pleasure, online porn, gender, sex, and more.


Video by Planned Parenthood explaining common puberty experiences that can happen to intersex and nonbinary young people.


Five video episodes of IRL friends having those conversations about queer sex, sex in the media, consent, pleasure, and more – while professional sex educators Dr. Lexx and Melina Gaze listen in to educate and bust some myths!

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