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by Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller. A book that embraces body diversity, uses accurate terms, reassures kids, and provides caregivers easy ways to answer the common questions that children have. Additional guidance for parents and caregivers includes more information on being an askable parent and how to talk to young children about sensitive topics.


by Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller. A book that embraces body diversity, uses accurate terms, reassures kids, and provides caregivers easy ways to answer the common questions that children have. Additional guidance for parents and caregivers includes more information on being an askable parent and how to talk to young children about sensitive topics.


by Rachel Greener. This book offers 7-10 year olds an honest, accessible, inclusive illustrated guide to puberty. From getting taller and discovering hair growing in new places to developing breasts, experiencing periods, or having wet dreams, this book provides the perfect stepping stone for every caregiver to have an open conversation about what it really […]


by Justine Ang Fonte. This is a six-episode Audible Original series giving actionable tips, scripts, and healing context to help you become an askable adult to kids ages birth to 18. You’ll learn how to keep talks open and shame-free across topics including consent, boundaries, puberty, sexual identity, relationships, physical attraction, self-care, and sex. Also […]


by Sarah Casper. A thoughtfully-crafted resource for educators and trusted adults to guide 8-13 year olds through playful activities, discussion exercises, and lessons that go beyond just defining consent and into the powerful work of practicing consent. Lessons explore how to notice desires, ask for permission, recognize limits, advocate for boundaries, handle rejection with grace, […]


by Rachel E. Simon, LCSW. This book helps 8-12 year olds understand consent in all its many forms including body safety, verbal and nonverbal cues, boundaries, puberty and privacy, identifying trusted adults, and recognizing gut feelings. It also explores consent nuances, like power dynamics, intellectual disabilities, pornography, sexism, and transphobia. A helpful glossary and discussion […]


by Sex in Space. This shame-free book is a digestible resource teaching parents and caring adults what to say, the benefits of having these talks, how to work through your family’s values around porn, strategies to build your confidence on this topic, actionable steps for online safety, and much more!


by Jayneen Sanders. This book aims to teach children with disability about body safety and consent and provide them with essential skills to recognize unsafe situations. Using age-appropriate language and illustrations, this book addresses the needs and challenges often faced by children with disability, helping them to understand their rights in regard to their body […]


by Kyra Zhen-Lim Gandhi. This book is a gentle guide to discuss a sensitive topic. It is designed to ease the vital conversation with children on sexual abuse, protecting themselves, and speaking out when something doesn’t feel right. It’s created to help caretakers and children navigate this important topic ensuring our little ones grow up […]


A comprehensive online course by Dr. Devorah Heitner that will prepare you and your child for their first phone. You’ll learn what to say to your kid (that will keep them engaged); how to mentor them in their relationship with devices (not simply monitor them); how to set a positive example within your own cell […]


by Devorah Heitner, PhD. This book shows parents how to help tweens and teens navigate boundaries, identity, privacy, and reputation in their digital world. Through relatable stories from young people, caring adults, and professionals, Heitner offers research-backed advice that shows us that by focusing on character, not the threat of getting caught or exposed, we […]

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