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by Rachel HS Ginocchio. This book goes beyond the basics of sexual reproduction to examine the diversity of medical and societal methods people use, including in-vitro fertilization, surrogacy, adoption, and more. Through scientific research, diagrams, and interviews with families, it provides a thoughtful and thorough examination of the possibilities available.


by Lilly Perry. A hardcover journal containing prompts and practices that will challenge you to approach your sexuality with curiosity and non-judgment.


An interactive online game by Planet Puberty that helps young people understand the differences between public and private places, which is an essential skill for keeping safe and participating in the community. This game will help you to practice identifying public and private places and where it is OK to do private things.


A catchy song by Hopscotch that teaches children (and adults of all ages) the language around consent as well as setting and respecting boundaries.


A fun and interactive virtual workshop for families, led by Sex Positive Families, that takes the awkwardness out of puberty, sharing all the need-to-know tidbits about body changes to help kids through the tween years with greater confidence.


by Elizabeth Schroeder, EdD, MSW. This book is your guide to starting those critical conversations with kids as young as 3, using language and examples that they can understand. Learning how to set boundaries for themselves and recognize the boundaries of others will help kids develop their own self-esteem and stay safe.


de Committee for Children. Este video comparte el lenguaje y los recursos específicos para usar cuando un niño revela un abuso sexual.


An interactive online game by Planet Puberty that helps children identify different relationships in a person’s life and the types of touch that are OK in these relationships.


by Dr. Jillian Roberts. This book introduces children to the basics of online safety in a story-based, conversational style.


A video by The Porn Conversation that helps tweens, teens, and adults foster porn literacy.


by Megan Madison and Jessica Ralli. A board book offering adults the opportunity to begin important conversations with young children about gender and identity in an informed, safe, and supported way.


by Megan Madison and Jessica Ralli. A best-selling board book about consent, offering adults the opportunity to begin important conversations with young children in an informed, safe, and supported way.

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