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by Sonya Renee Taylor. This book gives honest, empowering and age-relevant answers to real questions from young readers about health, sex, gender, race and justice. Steeped in joy and possibility, Taylor’s writing assures kids that, as they mature, life will be fun, complicated, strange and wonderful, and most importantly, that they are amazing and have […]


by Bianca I. Laureano and Cory Silverberg. A guided curriculum resource for parents, educators, and librarians working with young people to support learning about bodies, gender, healthy relationships, consent, and sex. Available in eBook, digital copy only.


by Debby Herbenick, PhD, Susan C. Stone, Esq., and Kristina W. Supler, Esq. Supported by research and filled with practical tools, conversation guides, and sex positive advice, this book covers every sexual health topic relevant to raising young people in this highly digital world. It’s inclusively written, with insights from real young people as well as from […]


by Cara Natterson, MD and Vanessa Kroll Bennett. A current, reliable, research-backed handbook to help adults understand the ins and outs of modern puberty for all young people. Alongside facts about physical and emotional changes to expect, this book includes insights on social media, porn literacy, gender identity, and many aspects of today’s tween and […]


by Ella Greenstein. A charming children’s book that follows Fifi as she discovers the many pleasurable sensations her body can experience in a day. From the smooth fur of her dog’s belly, to the touch of cool dry beans in the kitchen. She even discovers that her vulva can feel pleasing too! How her parents […]


by Konika Ray Wong. This empowering first introduction to menstruation is a guided story for kids ages four and up to read with a grownup. Children meet a cute uterus character that takes them on a journey that demystifies the process of ovulation and the menstrual cycle. The kid-friendly characters and simple scientifically accurate text […]


by Mo Asebiomo. This book challenges what it means to have sex-positive attitudes in a country with a history and current reality of white supremacy. Asebiomo traces the myths and misinformation of sex positivity back to racism, homophobia, transphobia, white settler colonialism and capitalism. This book is a tool to examine the harmful beliefs we have […]


by Vic Liu with a forward by adrienne maree brown. This joyful book centers people of color, queer people, disabled people, sex workers, and other often underrepresented voices to bring an informative and beautiful perspective to self-love and masturbation. Inside, you’ll find sections on: masturbation myths; techniques for solo pleasure; guide to sex toys; tips […]


by Dr. Allison K. Rodgers. The more we know about vaginas and vulvas, the better equipped we will be to deal with our bodies in the future. In this book, Dr. Allison K. Rodgers simply explains everything from why we have periods, to sex and consent in the age of social media. You’ll learn the […]


by Lindz Amer. An essential guide for parents and caregivers to raising queer-friendly children in a gender-affirming space. Divided by sections that address kids’ individual ages―from infancy to kindergarten―this joyful and approachable book shares a bit of hope and starts with the understanding that anyone can spread queer joy.


by Alisa Zipursky. A guide for survivors, written by a survivor, helping to break through the negative self-talk and debunk the myths that impact victims of childhood sexual abuse. This book shows how trauma survivors can learn to identify these untrue stories that often come up in dating, in friendships, in families, at work, and more.


by Rachel HS Ginocchio. This book goes beyond the basics of sexual reproduction to examine the diversity of medical and societal methods people use, including in-vitro fertilization, surrogacy, adoption, and more. Through scientific research, diagrams, and interviews with families, it provides a thoughtful and thorough examination of the possibilities available.

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