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SELECTED FILTERS: Age: Tweens (9-12)  |  Clear All Filters

An entertaining and educational YouTube series for youth about sexuality, identity, and healthy relationships. Season 3 features several disabled young people learning from hosts Dr. Nadine Thornhill and Spencer West who provide fun, engaging education on topics like body image, identity, dating, reproduction, and more!


A film, with discussion guide with conversation prompts and activities, that takes viewers into the lives of three high school athletes — all at different stages of their athletic seasons, personal lives, and unique paths as transgender teens.


When it comes to safety, understanding and applying strategies around consent is a fundamental social skill. This episode explores the many ways consent is applied everyday…because consent means everybody wants to! Ginger and Blue role-play some consent scenarios and we meet Andrew Gurza, a disability awareness consultant who talks openly about how consent applies to […]


Puberty can be a confusing time, but knowledge can help make things a little easier! What are some signs our bodies are going through puberty? When does it start? And what happens when it does? Hosts Eva and Nadine share some fun fruit analogies to highlight what’s going on with the body. In this episode, […]


Article by Nadia Ladak of Marlow sharing everything you need to know to understand why and what to do if you experience pain or discomfort while using tampons.


por Carly Manes y Emulsify. Es un recurso sobre servicios de aborto para jóvenes, médicamente preciso, sin prejuicios y con inclusión de géneros. En este libro aprenderás que es un aborto, algunas razones por las que las personas tienen abortos y algunas formas en que las personas pueden sentirse acerca de sus abortos.


by Carly Manes and Emulsify. This is a medically accurate, non-judgmental, gender inclusive resource for young people ages 8+ about abortion care. In this book, you’ll learn what an abortion is, some of the reasons people have abortions, and a few of the ways people might feel about their abortions.


by My Little Yoni. This is a 10 book set of doctor-approved, sex ed books covering a variety of topics including anatomy, consent, menstruation, masturbation, healthy relationships, LGBTQ+, gender, reproduction and more. Books in the set are designed for different age groups: 3-5+, 5-8+, 8-10+, so they’re great for progressing the talks over stages.


Fun, animated, inclusive and sex positive short videos to help tweens and teens learn about menstruation


Free downloadable conversation guides to support the talks with children and teens about porn and sexualized media.


Un video de Planned Parenthood. En este video te contamos más sobre la pubertad y lo que puede significar para ti si eres una persona intersexual, transgénero y/o no binaria.


Un video de Planned Parenthood. En este video te contamos lo que le sucede a tu cuerpo durante la pubertad si tienes vagina.

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