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Gender Spectrum’s landmark publication “Principles for Gender Inclusive Puberty and Health Education” outlines the first-ever comprehensive approach to gender for puberty health educators. Designed to affirm and recognize all students so they can see themselves reflected in their classrooms and learn knowledge and skills associated with overall health.


This is a vulva anatomy education set with illustrations from the The Vulva Gallery. The set contains 15 square prints, each with a different watercolour image and information related to vulvar anatomy + a digital set. This education set is perfect for usage in sex ed lessons, workshops, presentations or to use in your daily […]


by Dawn Daum and Joyelle Brandt. An anthology and workbook for parents who are survivors of childhood abuse.


Available on iOS, the TALK Puberty app includes over 150 questions on the topic of puberty and growing up that help initiate and strengthen conversations with children in a fun and interactive manner. Recommended to be used with children ages 7 through 15, although people of all ages are welcome to explore this app and […]


Sexual health is an extension of our general health. This episode introduces basic sexual health practices, such as hygiene and being aware of body baselines, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and options when facing unintended pregnancy. Eva and Nadine demonstrate risk reduction strategies, and the kids get to explore barriers in a fun free-for-all. We also […]


by Christian A’Xavier Lovehall. “My Name is Troy” is a children’s book that tells the story of Troy, a young and proud Black Trans boy who is loved and protected by his family. Knowing the importance of representation, the author hopes to fill a void for young Black Trans boys, who are too often ignored […]


by The Vulva Gallery. A colorful illustrated book about vulvas, with vulva portraits and personal stories, cool vulva facts and a positive and inclusive approach to sexual health education.


by Christian Hoeger and Kristen Lilla. This is a fun, creative, and inclusive way to learn more about vaginas and periods! The book uses pop-ups and colorful graphics to normalize anatomy aesthetics and menstruation.


by Erica Smith, M.Ed. From the creator of The Purity Culture Dropout Program, this comprehensive and thorough workbook is for folks who are deconstructing or who have deconstructed purity culture values. This 57 page, user friendly workbook will help give you clarity by dividing the broad topic of sexuality into manageable categories, providing prompts, exercises, […]


Kikis with Louie delivers honest and authentic talk about what matters most to LGBTQ young people, in a fun, casual environment about what matters most to LGBTQ young people.


The Labia Library is about showing that, just like any other part of the body, labia come in all shapes and sizes. They’re also really important in sex and they keep the vagina healthy. Women’s Health Victoria has developed the Labia Library to bust a few common myths about how normal labia look. There’s also a photo gallery that shows you […]


Why do people kiss? What happens when we kiss? The kids explore how kissing is different in family, friendly, and romantic relationships in the Every Body Curious Kissing Wheel game – featuring Ginger and Blue who demonstrate the myriad of kisses indicated on the wheel.

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