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Un video de Planned Parenthood. En este video te contamos más sobre la pubertad y lo que puede significar para ti si eres una persona intersexual, transgénero y/o no binaria.


Un video de Planned Parenthood. En este video te contamos lo que le sucede a tu cuerpo durante la pubertad si tienes vagina.


Un video de Planned Parenthood. En este video te contamos qué es lo que le sucede a tu cuerpo durante la pubertad cuando tienes un pene.


Un video de Planned Parenthood. La pubertad es una etapa de tu vida donde tu cuerpo empieza a cambiar – y bastante. Estos cambios de tu cuerpo y emociones ocurren de muchas maneras diferentes. Aprendé qué más le sucede a tu cuerpo durante la pubertad.


by Chris Thompkins. This book offers specific actions parents, family members, and caregivers can take to help navigate conversations, address heteronormativity, and challenge societal beliefs, It serves as a guide to help normalize being LGBTQ from a young age. Creating allies and a world where closets don’t exist happens one child at a time.


by Courtney J. Angermeier. My Vulva provides a charming and accurate introduction to the vulva for preschoolers and their grownups. It promotes agency for children with vulvas and a healthy understanding of their bodies. It also offers grownups an early platform for talking to their children about bodies, boundaries, reproduction, and sexuality.


by Ali Drucker. An honest guide to hookups and relationships in the twenty-first century. This book answers questions like: How do I deal when I keep running into my one-night stand? How can I tell if I’m too drunk to have sex? How do I say stop when I’m not really into it? Why do […]


How big is a normal penis? What does an uncircumcised penis look like? Can you have too many erections? In this episode we learn that penises come in various lengths, colours, curvatures and thicknesses – and all of this is normal. Every penis-owner has their own relationship with their penis! There’s some testicles talk too […]


by Lydia Bowers and Isabel Muñoz. The sixth book in the We Say What’s Okay series, We Are in Charge of Our Bodies follows Jackson and his classmates as they learn the names for their private body parts, that they can say what’s okay for their bodies, and why it’s important to respect others’ bodies. Using the book […]


Wondering how to become an askable parent? AMAZE is here to help! In this episode, you’ll learn what to do if your kids don’t ask about sex ed topics, including how to use everyday moments to spark conversations, how to use the “remember when?” approach, and what to do if you freeze or give your […]


Wondering how to become an askable parent? AMAZE is here to help! In this episode, you’ll learn how to talk to kids about gender roles and rules, including how to challenge bullying and why gender is just a part of who we are, not a measure of our worth.


by Evelyn Yang. Some of the most difficult things to talk about are also the most important. Sexual abuse happens more often than people realize but most kids don’t learn about it until after it happens. This book will help give them the language to understand what sexual abuse is and start the conversation around […]

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