by Shafia Zaloom. The only book you need to start a conversation with your kids about sexual harassment, consent, #metoo, and more.
¿Cuándo comienza la pubertad? ¿Qué pasa cuando comienza la pubertad? Si estás entre los 9 y 14 años puedes estar experimentando algunos cambios que llegan con la pubertad, aunque puede que no, así que no te preocupes. La pubertad en mujeres puede comenzar desde los 8 años o bien hasta los 13 o 14 años, […]
by Jayneen Sanders. Through age-appropriate illustrations and engaging text this book will teach children the following crucial and empowering skills in personal body safety: identifying safe and unsafe feelings‚ recognizing early warning signs‚ developing a safety network‚ using the correct names for private parts‚ understanding the difference safe and unsafe touch‚ understanding the difference between […]
by Jessica Walton. This book introduces the youngest readers to understanding gender identity and transition in an accessible and heart-warming story about being true to yourself and being a good friend.
¿Cuándo comienza la pubertad? ¿Qué pasa cuando comienza la pubertad? Las señales de pubertad en hombres incluye granos, vello facial y el engrose de la voz. Generalmente, la pubertad comienza entre los 10 y 14 años. La pubertad en los hombres puede comenzar de manera temprana a los 9 años y a más tardar a […]
by Adiba Nelson. This book shares the message of inclusion, and helping children see that regardless of having a disability, all kids want and need the same thing – play and love.
by Sonya Renee Taylor. Puberty comes with a lot of changes. Celebrate Your Body (And Its Changes, Too!) will help girls understand (and love) their bodies now and as they continue to grow.
by Kim S. Roman. A book for young children, ages 2 to 6 years old that helps parents open the lines of communication explaining the loss of a sibling through miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss in a way that children can understand.
by Jayneen Sanders. Explore with the children in your care the important issues of gender equality and respectful relationships. Combining cheerful illustrations and a simple but effective narrative, this book will help children to understand that, fundamentally, there is no difference between us. Throughout the text, open-ended questions are provided on each spread so children […]
por Jennifer Moore-Mallinos. Todos los niños tienen secretos, y es divertido guardar muchos secretos, por ejemplo, un regalo sorpresa de cumpleaños para mamá o un apretón de manos secreto con un joven amigo. Pero a veces, los niños tienen secretos que los hacen sentir mal, y es mejor compartir estos secretos con sus padres o […]
by Jessica Love. A picture book that offers a jubilant picture of self-love, and a celebration of individuality outside of the gender binary.
by Lesléa Newman. This book offers a heartwarming story about acceptance, respect, and the freedom to be yourself in a world where any gender expression should be celebrated. Sparkly things are for everyone to enjoy!