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SELECTED FILTERS: Topic: Parent Sexual Health  |  Clear All Filters

by Melissa Pintor Carnagey, LBSW. A comprehensive guide that walks parents and caregivers through over 150 conversation starters, reflection exercises, and activities to begin implementing at every age and stage on topics such as: bodies, feelings, safe and unsafe touch, consent, relationships, menstruation, pleasure, online porn, gender, sex, and more.


by Dr. Brené Brown. A practical and hopeful guide for raising children who know that they are worthy of love, belonging, and joy, which are all powerful markers of sexual health and safety.


by Chris Thompkins. This book offers specific actions parents, family members, and caregivers can take to help navigate conversations, address heteronormativity, and challenge societal beliefs, It serves as a guide to help normalize being LGBTQ from a young age. Creating allies and a world where closets don’t exist happens one child at a time.


by Ali Drucker. An honest guide to hookups and relationships in the twenty-first century. This book answers questions like: How do I deal when I keep running into my one-night stand? How can I tell if I’m too drunk to have sex? How do I say stop when I’m not really into it? Why do […]


A comprehensive website providing free education and resource HUBs for teens, caregivers/parents, and educators packed with modern, gender-inclusive, and mindful health and wellness information. Topics on the HUB include: Puberty, Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation, Relationships, Digital Life, Sexual Health, and more.


These cards help parents and caring adults confidently initiate talks about body safety rules, including expectations and boundaries, with other caregivers. Great for aligning expectations when a child has a play date or when speaking with a nanny, school administrator, teacher, coach or other caregivers in a child’s world.


Wondering how to become an askable parent? AMAZE is here to help! In this episode, you’ll learn how to teach your kids your values, including how to name the values behind your rules + help kids develop a values vocabulary, and how these skills will help them in the long run.


A short video by Jeremy Indika, child sexual abuse survivor and founder of Something to Say an organization on a mission to break the silence surrounding child sexual abuse.


by Tavi Hawn, LCSW. Talking with your child about gender identity can seem overwhelming—but with the right guidance, you can have healthy conversations and create an affirming environment for them as they grow. Whether your child is cisgender, gender expansive, transgender, or still unsure, this guide provides practical advice and strategies to help you embrace […]


by Dr. Tracie Gilbert. This book offers a unique understanding of African American populations and their articulation of sexuality and race by introducing a comprehensive sexological model, Black Sexual Epistemology. Dr. Gilbert draws from theoretical perspectives of anti-Blackness, ethno-sexuality, performative Blackness, and African-centered epistemology, to implicate race as an inextricable factor in the sexual structures and […]


by Sandy K. Wurtele, Ph.D. and Feather Berkower, MSW of Parenting Safe Children. This book will empower you with information on: age-appropriate sexual development; body-safety rules; sample language for talking with children and teens about body-safety; screening questions for caregivers; how to handle disclosure when a child has been sexually assaulted or is assaulting another […]


by Dr. Jennifer Lincoln, OB-GYN. This inclusive book is like the health class you wish you had—think evidence-based, myth-busting sex ed where shame gets tossed out the window—in a format that’s as approachable as a fifteen-second video. This succinct, vibrant handbook answers the questions that you may have been too embarrassed to ask.

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